Material particles interact with the working moving surfaces of machines in various technological processes. Mechanics considers a technique to describe the movement of a point and decompose the speed and acceleration into single unit vectors of the accompanying trajectory trihedron for simple movement. The shape of the spatial curve uniquely sets the movement of the accompanying Frenet trihedral as a solid body. This paper has considered the relative movement of a material particle in the static plane of the accompanying Frenet trihedron, which moves along a flat curve with variable curvature. Frenet formulas were used to build a system of differential equations of relative particle movement. In contrast to the conventional approach, the chosen independent variable was not the time but the length of the arc of the guide curve along which the trihedron moves. The system of equations has been built in the projections onto the unit vectors of the moving trihedron; it has been solved by numerical methods. The use of the accompanying curve trihedron as a moving coordinate system makes it possible to solve the problems of the complex movement of a point. The shape of the curve guide assigned by parametric equations in its length function determines the portable movement of the trihedron and makes it possible to use Frenet formulas to describe the relative movement of a point in the trihedron system. This approach enables setting the portable movement of the trihedron osculating plane along a curve with variable curvature, thereby revealing additional possibilities for solving problems on a complex movement of a point at which rotational motion around a fixed axis is a partial case. The proposed approach has been considered using an example of the relative movement of cargo in the body of a truck moving along the road with a curvilinear axis of variable curvature. The charts of the relative trajectory of cargo slip and the relative speed for the predefined speed of the truck have been constructed