A flexible setup consisting of two independent water-cooled X-ray monochromators providing radiation for two separate beamlines (A and B) has been installed on the multipole wiggler BW7 at the DORIS III storage ring. The first optical element of both lines is a Rh-coated SiC mirror that reduces the heat load on subsequent energy defining elements. Line B, which will be predominantly used for protein crystallography, is optimized for flux and employs a triangular monochromator and segmented glass mirror for horizontal and vertical focusing, respectively; it can be operated in a wavelength range from 0.5 to 1.8 Å. Line A features a high-energy resolution fixed exit, nondispersive double monochromator, optimized for accurate and fast energy scans. It will mainly be used for anomalous scattering, EXAFS, and small-angle scattering. The use of encoders, intelligent stepper/dc-motor controllers, and position sensitive beam monitors allow a comfortable and fast alignment of all axes. Both experimental hutches are equipped with large motorized optical tables, offering a versatile and convenient mounting surface for experiments.
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