Three ultramafic bodies on Zabargad Island contain fresh peridotites with mostly unfractionated primitive bulk major and trace element abundances and mostly monomineralic vein rocks (pyroxenites, olivinites, homblendites, etc.). We analyzed a set of coarse grained vein rocks with the 40Ar- 39Ar technique applying high resolution stepheating. Neutron induced argon isotopes derived from Ca, K, and Cl, and the specific degassing behaviour of major and accessory minerals enabled us to separate and identify different trapped and radiogenic argon components and their hosts. Within two clinopyroxenites trapped argon is present in (1) low temperature, low 40 Ar 36 Ar phases (serpentine and/or fluid inclusions), (2) pyroxene-related Cl-rich carriers (pyroxene and/or associated microinclusions) and (3) amphiboles which are intimately and nonseparably intergrown with pyroxene. The amphiboles, which can texturally, chemically, and isotopically be divided into different generations, formed by interaction of spinels and pyroxenes with mantle fluids during different stages of diapiric uplift (Agrinier et al., 1993). Formation of these amphiboles and microinclusions in pyroxenes, along with incorporation of isotopically distinct Ar with 40 Ar 36 Ar ratios up to 8000, can be related to recent mantle metasomatism also evident in Arabian xenoliths (Henjes-Kunst et al., 1990) and must have been induced by a variety of mantle fluids. For a homblendite, in situ radiogenic and excess argon components could be separated: the plateau age of 18.7 ± 1.3 Ma is in perfect agreement with a zircon Pb/Pb age of 18.4 ± 1.0 Ma (Oberli et al., 1987) interpreted as the age of crustal intrusion. Obviously, the formation of the hornblendite occurred during the final stage of uplift, most probably by interaction with seawater, as suggested by strontium, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopic data (Agrinier et al., 1993) and the low 40 Ar 36 Ar ratio (305) of the trapped argon. 4He, 20Ne, 40Ar, and 36Ar were measured in the orthopyroxenite vein rock Z31 by stepwise crushing and subsequent total fusion. Isotopic ratios show a well defined correlation with crushing step that indicates the presence of two different types or generations of inclusions, which were subjected to different degrees of contamination by atmosphere type noble gases. As inclusions were trapped before tje main deformation of the peridotite complex (Kurat et al., 1993), argon with relatively low 40 Ar 36 Ar ratios ( ≤ 1500) was trapped in the mantle, which requires an admixture of argon of atmospheric composition to the source region of the peridotites. Radiogenic isotopes ( 4He, 40Ar) are dominated by the mantle source, however, the 4 He 40 Ar ratio (∼0.16) is much lower than expected from long term decay of radioactive parent nuclides U, Th, and K. Such low ratios, which have previously been observed also in mantle xenoliths, obviously reflect the indigenous peridotitic source and are most probably due to fractionation processes in the mantle.