Previous articleNext article No AccessThe Water Requirements of Mourning Doves and Their Use of Sea Water and NaCl SolutionsGeorge A. Bartholomew and Richard E. MacMillenGeorge A. Bartholomew Search for more articles by this author and Richard E. MacMillen Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Volume 33, Number 3Jul., 1960 Article DOI Views: 7Total views on this site Citations: 30Citations are reported from Crossref Journal History This article was published in Physiological Zoology (1928-1998), which is continued by Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (1999-present). Copyright 1960 University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Todd A. Sanders Feeding trial evaluation of supplemental sodium and calcium use by pigeons, Wildlife Society Bulletin 47, no.11 (Dec 2022). 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R. Moldenhauer, John A. Wiens The Water Economy of the Sage Sparrow, Amphispiza belli nevadensis, The Condor 72, no.33 (Jul 1970): 265–275. D. Ohmart, E. Linwood Smith Use of Sodium Chloride Solutions by the Brewer's Sparrow and Tree Sparrow, The Auk 87, no.22 (Apr 1970): 329–341. Roger E. Carpenter Structure and Function of the Kidney and the Water Balance of Desert Bats, Physiological Zoology 42, no.33 (Sep 2015): 288–302. J. Willoughby Water economy of the stark's lark and grey-backed finch-lark from the Namib Desert of South West Africa, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 27, no.33 (Dec 1968): 723–745. R. Dawson, George A. Bartholomew TEMPERATURE REGULATION AND WATER ECONOMY OF DESERT BIRDS, (Jan 1968): 357–394. Greenwald, Ward B. Stone, Tom J. Cade Physiological adjustments of the budgerygah (Melopsittacus undulatus) to dehydrating conditions, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 22, no.11 (Jul 1967): 91–100. Smyth, George A. Bartholomew Effects of Water Deprivation and Sodium Chloride on the Blood and Urine of the Mourning Dove, The Auk 83, no.44 (Oct 1966): 597–602. E. MacMillen, John C. Snelling Water Economy of the White-Crowned Sparrow and Its Use of Saline Water, The Condor 68, no.44 (Jul 1966): 388–395. E. MacMillen, Charles H. Trost Water Economy and Salt Balance in White-Winged and Inca Doves, The Auk 83, no.33 (Jul 1966): 441–456. J. Willoughby Water Requirements of the Ground Dove, The Condor 68, no.33 (May 1966): 243–248. Arthur E. Harriman , and Morley R. Kare Tolerance for Hypertonic Saline Solutions in Herring Gulls, Starlings, and Purple Grackles, Physiological Zoology 39, no.22 (Sep 2015): 117–122. R. Dawson, Vaughan H. Shoemaker, Harrison B. Tordoff, Arieh Borut Observations on Metabolism of Sodium Chloride in the Red Crossbill, The Auk 82, no.44 (Oct 1965): 606–623. W. Hudson, Alan H. Brush A comparative study of the cardiac and metabolic performance of the dove, Zenaidura macroura, and the quail, Lophortyxcalifornicus, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 12, no.22 (Jun 1964): 157–170. A. Bartholomew, Tom J. Cade The Water Economy of Land Birds, The Auk 80, no.44 (Oct 1963): 504–539. J. Cade Water Economy of the Budgerygah, The Auk 79, no.33 (Jul 1962): 345–364. A. Bartholomew, Richard E. MacMillen Water Economy of the California Quail and Its Use of Sea Water, The Auk 78, no.44 (Oct 1961): 505–514. ADDENDUM, Biological Reviews 36, no.11 (Feb 1961): 28–31.
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