
The following birds arrived from five to ten days earlier than last spring: Bluebird, Killdeer, Phoebe,Vesper Sparrow, Golden Crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, Brown Thrasher, Scarlet Tanager, Least Fly Catcher. The very mild weather fromi the 18th of March until the 16th of April, with a temperature of 590 or higher; for two-thirds of the time, accounts for the marlced difference in the dates of arrival between this year and last of the above-named species. The Flicker, Field and Chipping Sparrows, Sapsucker, Towhee, Hell Diver, Red-headed Woodpecker, Cardinal, Rubycrowned Kinglet, Alder and Crested Flycatchers also arrived from twelve to thirty days earlier. The warm weather was, if not directly, at least indirectly the cause of the very early arrival of these birds. A few species arrived considerably later than last spring. Among these were the Indigo Bird, Barn Swallow, Myrtle and Yellow Palm Warblers. The cold weather following for a mronth after April 16th was, doubtless, the reason why these species arrived so nmuch later. Ten species were not seen this spring. They were the Purple Finch, White-crowned Sparrow, Wilson's Thrush, Ovenbird, Blackburnian, Canadian, Tennesse, Hooded, Kentucky Warblers. Feb. 22 Bluebird March 16 Cowbird March 4 Killdeer 19 Towhee it 4 Robin 20 Prairie Horned 4 Loggerhead Lark Shrike 24 Flicker 5 Red-winged 25 Field Sparrow Blackbird 26 Vesper Sparrow 5 Song Sparrow 26 Yellow-bellied 6 Purple Grackle Sapsucker 6 Meadowlark 27 Chicken Hawk 6 Canada Goose 28 Tree Sparrow 6 Herring Gull departed

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