In the course of the conducted researches, features of the course of psychophysiological adaptation of students of higher medical education in the dynamics of the academic year obtained by data of cluster analysis are determined. Evaluating the peculiarities of the data obtained when determining the cluster structure of physiologically-significant correlates of psychophysiological adaptation, it should be noted that their structures consisted of the following cluster groups: cluster associated with the characteristics of the speed of a simple and differentiated visual-motor reaction, simple audio-motor reaction and dynamic performance in conditions of monotony, cluster associated with the parameters of mobility of nerve processes, cluster associated with the leading characteristics of tepping-test during the observation period, cluster associated with generalized and individual (the number of premature reactions, delayed reactions and exact reactions) indices of the balance of nervous processes. However, analyzing the psychologically-significant correlates of psychophysiological adaptation, it was necessary to emphasize that their structures consisted of the following cluster groups: cluster associated with the characteristics of emotional burnout, and above all the characteristics of its main phases: phases of stress, resistance and exhaustion, cluster associated with the indicators of asthenic and depressive states, cluster associated with the characteristics of the leading properties of temperament and, above all, indicators of neuroticism, cluster associated with the indicators of the mechanisms of psychological protection, the cluster associated with the characteristics of the level of subjective control of the individual, primarily the characteristics of the general internality, the level of subjective control in the field of educational relations and attitudes to health, cluster associated with the indicators of the properties of anxiety and character, and, ultimately, a cluster associated with the leading characteristics of aggressive manifestations, first of all, indicators of irritability, negativity, indirect aggression, indices of aggression and hostility.
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