The methodological possibilities of multimedia platforms in teaching a foreign language to cadets of a departmental educational organization are described. The advantages of using multimedia platforms in the course of organizing foreign language tutorials for cadets are considered, namely: the increase in learning motivation of cadets; communicative competence development; the expand of knowledge in the field of professional communication, culture and history of foreign countries; contribution to a qualitatively new level of organization of interaction between the teacher and cadets. It is noted that the use of multimedia platform resources in the organization of foreign language tutorials contributes to the exchange of information, and also improves the quality of education. The authors emphasize that the use of multimedia platforms in the process of a foreign language teaching to cadets of non-linguistic departmental educational organizations can increase their cognitive interest, immerse them in the language environment through the use of various methods and forms of active learning. The article presents the results of experimental work on the use of multimedia platforms BBC Languages, Puzzle English in the organization of foreign language tutorials with cadets of the law and economic departments of the Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia. The BBC Languages and Puzzle English platforms are designed for learning English. Among the advantages of these platforms, it should be noted: accessibility, level ranking of educational materials, the availability of audio and video materials, thematic notes, etc. Variants of the stages of work with cadets on the BBC Languages and Puzzle English platforms during foreign language tutorials, as well as in the process of organizing their extracurricular work, are proposed. Examples of class notes on the formation of reading, speaking, listening skills and the consolidation of lexical material are described. Based on the results of the experimental work, the authors came to the conclusion that the use of multimedia platforms in the process of teaching a foreign language significantly increases the efficiency of this process, contributes to the development of the communicative competence of cadets, the development of their cognitive interest, and the increase in learning motivation.
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