Beneficial response of application of fertilizer enriched press mud @ 15 t ha−1, rice straw compost @ 6 t ha−1, poultry manure @ 6 t ha−1 and farmyard manure @ 15 t ha−1 to rice crop was reported in the field investigation at farm research area, Department of Soil Science, PAU Ludhiana, India. The results of our study reported that rice grain (70.6 q ha−1) and straw (116.7 q ha−1) yield were significantly higher under 100% RDF (Recommended dose of fertilizers) + poultry manure and 75% RDF + press mud treatments, respectively, whereas, wheat grain (79.9 q ha−1) and straw (128.8 q ha−1) yield were found to be significantly higher with 100% RDF + farmyard manure treatment. Poultry manure and press mud treatments resulted in higher uptake of macronutrients and micronutrients in rice grain and straw. The maximum uptake of macronutrients and micronutrients in wheat grain and straw were recorded with treatments receiving farmyard manure. Results supported that use of manures either alone or in combination with chemical fertilizers is very important for enrichment of chemical composition of grain and straw of rice and wheat and for sustaining crop productivity.
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