In high-radiation environments, measured pile-up pulses can lead to unavoidable issues such as total count loss and spectrum distortion. Additionally, the recording of large volumes of data within a short period makes real-time processing difficult. In this study, a deep learning-based pulse height estimation (PHE) method was optimized to perform pile-up signal correction in high-radiation fields. First, we adopted a previous deep-learning-based PHE method that allows for fast correction without being restricted to specific detectors. However, the peak-finding method was slightly modified to improve the count restoration rate. Moreover, the input data length of the deep learning model was optimized for convolutional neural networks (CNN) and deep neural networks (DNN) to achieve the maximum correction performance using minimal input data. A series of single pulses was experimentally obtained from a LaBr3 detector with a short decay time to prepare a dataset for training the deep learning models. The pile-up signals were generated by randomly synthesizing single pulses. Samples around their peaks were sliced using the peak-finding method and used as input data for the deep learning models. As a result of the optimization, the modified peak-finding method improved the count restoration rate compared to the previous method by effectively detecting the peaks of tail pile-up, and peak pile-up pulses. Furthermore, the input data length and region were optimized based on the performance evaluation of each deep learning model. Despite having a simpler architecture than the CNN model, the DNN model demonstrated excellent PHE performance. The results of this study showed the efficient and practical considerations necessary for applying pile-up signal correction in high-radiation fields.
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