Parameter Estimation From Flowing Fluid Temperature Logging Data In Unsaturated Fractured Rock Using Multiphase Inverse Modeling Sumit Mukhopadhyay, Yvonne W. Tsang, and Stefan Finsterle Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 Abstract A simple conceptual model has been recently developed for analyzing pressure and temperature data from flowing fluid temperature logging (FFTL) in unsaturated fractured rock. Using this conceptual model, we developed an analytical solution for FFTL pressure response, and a semi-analytical solution for FFTL temperature response. We also proposed a method for estimating fracture permeability from FFTL temperature data. The conceptual model was based on some simplifying assumptions, particularly a single- phase air flow model was used. In this paper, we develop a more comprehensive numerical model of multiphase flow and heat transfer associated with FFTL. Using this numerical model, we perform a number of forward simulations to determine the parameters that have the strongest influence on the pressure and temperature response from FFTL. We then use the iTOUGH2 optimization code to estimate these most sensitive parameters through inverse modeling and to quantify the uncertainties associated with these estimated parameters. We conclude that FFTL can be utilized to determine permeability, porosity, and thermal conductivity of the fracture rock. Two other parameters, which are not properties of the fractured rock, have strong influence on FFTL response. These are pressure and temperature in the borehole that were at equilibrium with the fractured rock formation at the beginning of FFTL. We illustrate how these parameters can also be estimated from FFTL data. Introduction In a recent paper [Mukhopadhyay and Tsang, 2008], hereafter referred to as Paper I, we presented a simple conceptual model and a semi-analytical solution to analyze the data from flowing fluid temperature logging (FFTL). In Paper I, we also presented a procedure to estimate the effective permeability of the fractured rock using the temperature data from FFTL (see Section 2 for a recapitulation of FFTL). The conceptual model described in Paper I assumes single-phase flow of air and ignores the presence of the water phase in the unsaturated rock. The model includes heat transfer by convection but neglects heat conduction. It also assumes that pumping of air from the borehole during FFTL does not change the pressure and temperature in the surrounding rock (a reasonable assumption, considering the short duration of the test and the large volume of the surrounding rock compared to the volume of the borehole). However, it is possible that these simplifying assumptions could introduce some uncertainties into the estimated
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