Collective excitations influence many effects observed in quantum free-carrier semiconductor plasmas, like, for example, the impurity scattering of carriers for radiation frequencies close to the plasma frequency. Recent studies on linear-conduction-band materials [1, 2] indicate that the free-carrier band nonparabolicity may have a strong impact on the plasmons behaviour. In the present paper the influence of the nonparabolic structure of the free-carrier band on the dispersion of plasmons and their temperature damping is considered. The temperature-dependent formfactor —Im[1/e(q, ω)], where e(q, ω) is the wavevectorand frequency-dependent RPA [3] longitudinal complex dielectric function, is used to examine the properties of the collective excitations. The nonparabolic energy band of the form E(k) = (1/2)[(E8 + 4Ρ2k2)1/2 — Eg] is assumed and the overlap integrals of the electronic wave functions calculated from the Kane model are taken into account in the free-carrier polarizability. The calculations were performed for the plasma in n-PbSe in isotropic approximation [4], with P 2 = ħ2Eg/2m*, where Eg is the energy gap and m* is the effective mass at the bottom of the conduction band. The dielectric function included also the optical-phonon contribution [e.g. 4] i.e. we account for the plasmon-phonon coupling. For the degenerate plasma the nonparabolicity of the free-carrier band was found to extend the range of the wavevectors and energies where the plasmons
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