Theme A FAMILY of difference schemes is derived for the calculation of unsteady, compressible flow of an inviscid gas. The schemes can be applied to an arbitrary mesh geometry, and the mesh is allowed to deform in time. Therefore, the mesh can be chosen to coincide with an arbitrary stationary or nonstationary boundary. Also, the schemes can be used to fit shockwaves and contact surfaces by allowing the mesh to deform in concert with these discontinuities. Alternatively, the schemes allow shocks to be calculated by the shock-capturing technique. Recently, several authors' have used a MacCormack scheme, modified for application to arbitrary mesh geometries by using the integral theorems. Schiff 4 extended the method to allow for timevary ing meshes. These schemes, however, suffer from low accuracy if applied to nonCartesian meshes. Even in the relatively simple case of onedimensional, unsteady flow with nonuniform mesh, these schemes have a truncation error of the first order. By contrast, the schemes described in this paper are secondorder accurate in the two-dimensional and first-order accurate in the three-dimensional case. The two-step schemes discussed here are closely related to the LaxWendroff scheme and reduce to it for stationary Cartesian grids.
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