An IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) device has an excellent current-conducting capability. It has been widely employed as a switching device to use in power supplies, converters, solar inverters, and household appliances or the like, designed to handle high power. The aim with IGBT is to meet the requirements for use in ideal power semiconductor devices with a high breakdown voltage, an on-state voltage drop, a high switching speed, and high reliability for power-device applications. In general, the concentration of the drift region decreases when the breakdown voltage increases, but the on-resistance and other characteristics should be reduced to improve the breakdown voltage and on-state voltage drop characteristics by optimizing the design and structure changes. In this paper, using the T-CAD, we designed the NPT-IGBT (non punch-through IGBT) and FS-IGBT (field stop IGBT) and analyzed the electrical characteristics of those devices. Our analysis of the electrical characteristics showed that the FS-IGBT was superior to the NPT-IGBT in terms of the on-state voltage drop.
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