Hydrogen has a critical role in enabling European countries to achieve net-zero carbon targets. Hydrogen production via water splitting, using an electrolyser, is considered the "greenest" way because it does not produce any direct carbon emissions when powered by renewable sources. Among the different technologies of electrolysers (liquid alkaline, proton exchange membrane, etc.), there has been a recent surge in interest in that one based on anion-exchange membranes (AEMs). With respect to the state-of-the-art electrolysers that employ conventional acid polymer electrolyte separators (e.g., perfluorinated systems such as Nafion®), electrocatalysis with AEMs is much more promising. Accordingly, inexpensive catalysts can be used.In this work, NiFe2O4 catalysts are prepared by an "oxalate route". Nickel and iron nitrates in suitable stoichiometric ratios are added in successive steps to the oxalic acid solution. An oxidizing solution of hydrogen peroxide is then added. The obtained precipitate is first filtered and then dried. Different calcination temperatures (350, 450 and 550°C) are applied to obtain the Ni Ferrite with different surface and bulk characteristics. The catalysts are then deposited by a spray technique onto a commercial FAA3-50 (from FuMa-Tech) anion-exchange membrane, combined with a Pt-based cathode electrode, and investigated for the water electrolysis process in a single cell of 5 cm2 geometrical area. A comparison between the performance recorded with the different anode catalysts is reported and discussed. Acknowledgments The authors thank the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MUR) for funding through the FISR 2019 project AMPERE (FISR2019_01294).
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