Natural images exhibit a high degree of complexity, randomness and irregularity in color and texture, however fractal can be an effective tool to describe various irregular phenomena in nature. Fractal dimensions are important because they can be defined in connection with real-world data, and they can be measured approximately by means of experiments. In this paper, we proposed a fractal dimension estimation method for RGB color images. In the proposed method, we present a hyper-surface partition method which considers the hyper-surface as continuous and divide the image into nonoverlapped blocks. We also defined a counting method in color domain. To validate the proposed method, experiments were carried on two types of color images: synthesized fractal images and natural RGB color images. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective and efficient. The behaviors of the proposed method on the rescale images are also shown in the paper. And it can be performed as a reliable FD estimation approach for the RGB color images.
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