ObjectiveThis study aimed to identify the genetic diversity and population structure of Mongolian horse populations according to the province of residence (Khentii, KTP; Uvs, USP; Omnogovi and Dundgovi, GOP; Khovsgol, KGP) using 14 microsatellite (MS) markers.MethodsA total of 269 whole blood samples were obtained from the four populations (KTP, USP, GOP, KGP) geographically distinct provinces. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was conducted using 14 MS markers (AHT4, ASB2, ASB17, ASB23, CA425, HMS1, HMS2, HMS3, HMS6, HMS7, HTG4, HTG6, HTG7, and VHL20), as recommended by the International Society for Animal Genetics. Capillary electrophoresis was conducted using the amplified PCR products, alleles were determined. Alleles were used for statistical analysis of genetic variability, Nei’s DA genetic distance, principal coordinate analysis (PCoA), factorial corresponding analysis (FCA), and population structure.ResultsOn average, the number of alleles, expected heterozygosity (HExp), observed heterozygosity (HObs), and polymorphic information content among all populations were 11.43, 0.772, 0.757, and 0.737, respectively. In the PCoA and FCA, GOP, and KGP were genetically distinct from other populations, and the KTP and USP showed a close relationship. The two clusters identified using Nei’s DA genetic distance analysis and population structure highlighted the presence of structurally clear genetic separation.ConclusionOverall, the results of this study suggest that genetic diversity between KTP and USP was low, and that between GOP and KGP was high. It is thought that these results will help in the effective preservation and improvement of Mongolian horses through genetic diversity analysis and phylogenetic relationships.
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