The optical absorption spectra of trapped electrons were observed in γ-irradiated ethylene glycol–water, methanol, 10M NaOH, and MTHF at 4°K. The prominent infrared absorption bands were observed in ethylene glycol–water and ethanol glasses, while the bands in methanol, 10M NaOH, and MTHF glasses were similar in shape, slightly red shifted, to the bands for the radiolysis at 77°K. When the glasses were warmed to 77°K, the bands changed irreversibly into those for the radiolysis at 77°K, reducing the absorption intensity. The spectral changes at the intermediate temperatures between 4°K and 77°K were recorded for ethylene glycol–water and methanol cases. The results are interpreted by the molecular reorientation model proposed in the previous paper [T. Higashimura, M. Noda, T. Warashina, and H. Yoshida, J. Chem. Phys. 53, 1152 (1970)].
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