The discrepancy in price trends, the severe competition in the meat cattle market has affected shortened meat supplies and the supply of beef to the prices was reflected in the overall assessment of the circulation of these products in the market and statistics of the industry, in particular. Therefore, there is a situation where the supply is market in the range. The decrease in demand for meat products in connection with its increase in not balanced to demand. What causes this to happen? The analysis shows that in the development of meat cattle, a problematic situation associated with trends in socioeconomic life has occurred: low purchasing power of the population; rise in energy prices; an unequal exchange between processing enterprises and agriculture. Does not stimulate the development of the credit and tax system. This, in turn, led to a reduction in the number of animals, correspondingly a decrease in the volume of production of meat and meat products, and as a result, the level of consumption of products of the meat industry is lower than rational. As for meat cattle breeding, it should be noted that the industry has its own characteristics, not only technological but also economic ones. And if you look at the trends in the industry, the presence of its products in the market, then it would be justified and payback to work out a program of long-term development and market approval of meat cattle breeding products. What sequence of actions should help to solve perspective directions of development of the industry and its presence on the market of products? Where to start? An analysis of industry development suggests that such priority actions should be considered:
 substantiation of the number of livestock;
 analysis of animal productivity at different levels of feeding and production of beef;
 the correspondence of beef production to the processing capacity of raw materials;
 formation of volumes of market proposals for manufactured products;
 substantiation of the breakeven rate of meat cattle, taking into account the costs of production;
 аccording to market research data - the formation of demand in the meat products market;
 development of competitive principles, analysis of the participation of competitors in the market, studying the demand for products of the enterprise.
 It should be noted that during the years of Ukraine's independence, a number of important steps have been taken to reform the agro-industrial complex, however, in this important work, the formation of a modern market environment for meat cattle-breeding, in particular the formation of a complete market infrastructure, has not yet been completed in this important work. An important task is to improve the system of relations between the services of the marketing line – from the commodity producer to the consumer of products. Of course, the implementation of state incentives for beef production, as well as opportunities for increasing the purchasing power of the population, remains topical. Detected inconsistencies in the activities of meat market operators need to deepen research aimed at eliminating them, which will improve the actual state and improve the functioning of the market products industry.
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