This study aims to determine earthquake vulnerable zones. We conducted research on earthquake macro-zonation based on PGA, Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI), and type of rocks around Matano Fault in the area of 1.60 S to 2.990 S and 120.50 E to 122.470 E. We have acquired Maximum PGA and Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) for each observation point on the ground from the four major earthquake events. The empirical model is used due to lack of acceleration data recorded. We tried some empirical methods, but the McGuire method is found to be acceptable for this area. The result gives the maximum variation of PGA which is ranged between 18.40 - 363.54 gals. While the variation of MMI using empirical Wald attenuation gives values ranging from 2.9 - 7.7 MMI. The most vulnerable zone is located around Sorowako city with PGA value of 326.55 gals and MMI value of 7.5 MMI. This area is between ultra-basic rock and metamorphic rock formation. The vulnerable zone is near largest earthquake 6.2 M on 15-02-2011.
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