Abstract: Modern growth necessitates the use of modern engineering materials for a variety of engineering applications, and demand for these materials is continually rising. Metal matrix composite is a dependable supply of the material that has been shown to be advantageous in every part of advancement for meeting such demands.With composites, materials are blended in a way that allows us to maximize the benefits of their parent material while somewhat reducing the consequences of any shortcomings. The word "Composites" simply refers to materials that have been combined to increase their qualities.Due to their low density and good mechanical properties, improved corrosion resistance and wear, and low thermal coefficient of expansion when compared to conventional metals and alloys, aluminium composites, among the available composite materials, are in higher demand and are therefore frequently used in the aerospace and automotive industries. However, the properties of the materials can he further enhanced with addition of the reinforcement materials like SiC, Al2O3 and B4C. Hence in the present investigation an attempt is made to process a composite material with a combination of SiC and B4C as reinforcement materials followed by the evaluation of the mechanical properties. The results of the study indicate a progressive strength in the processed materials.
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