Voltage–current (I–V) measurements in a wide temperature range from 88 to 573 Kdemonstrated the effects of temperature on the switching behavior of aCu/Ta2O5/Pt resistive memory cell that is referred to as a gapless-type atomic switch. After the formingprocess, the cells were SET from the OFF state to the ON state at a positive bias to theCu electrode and then RESET from the ON state to the OFF state at a negative bias. In aprevious study (Tsuruoka et al 2010 Nanotechnology 21 425205), it was demonstrated thatthe SET process corresponds to the reformation of a metal filament between the electrodesby the inhomogeneous nucleation and subsequent growth of Cu whereas the RESETprocess can be attributed to the Joule-heating-assisted dissolution of the metal filament. Inthe work described here, we observed that the voltages at which the cells are SET andRESET (SET and RESET voltages) decreased in magnitude with an increase intemperature. From calculations of the nucleation rate of Cu nuclei based on theclassical nucleation theory, it was found that the observed temperature variationof the SET voltage is primarily determined by supersaturation in the vicinityof the Pt electrode, which is controlled by the application of positive bias. Thesupersaturation required for spontaneous growth of a Cu nucleus decreases withincreasing temperature, resulting in lower SET voltages at higher temperatures. TheRESET voltage is determined by the thermal stability of the metal filament formed.Moreover, using the temperature variation in cell resistances of the ON state, thegrowth speed of the Cu nucleus after the nucleation was found to decease withincreasing temperature. These results are consistent with our switching model.
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