The article highlights the features of independent work in the study of "Clinical Practice" by 5th-year medical students at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The article shows that well-organized independent work creates favorable conditions for the development of cognitive abilities of students and intensification of their work in obstetrics and gynecology. Practical self-training of medical students is a mandatory component of the educational and professional program to obtain a qualification level and aims to acquire their professional skills and abilities.
 Independent work is one of the most important components of the educational process, which involves the integration of different types of individual and collective learning activities, which is carried out both in classroom, extracurricular activities, without the participation of the teacher and under his direct supervision. Introduction of independent educational and cognitive activities and innovative approaches to its organization in the educational process is a qualitative step of the entire system of higher education because this process contributes to the advancement of students from education and the acquisition of knowledge to the skills and abilities of self-education. Clinical practice in obstetrics and gynecology is a process of consolidating theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities acquired in the process of student learning. The discipline includes practical classes and independent work of the student. Clinical practice occupies an important place in the training of physicians and the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge, skills and abilities and expand professional competence. The knowledge that students receive during clinical practice will allow them to conduct optimal treatment, to detect early clinical signs of the disease. Prospective physicians in senior courses study clinical disciplines to obtain high qualifications. Clinical practice for students is an important element of the process of training a highly qualified doctor and improves the effectiveness of training. An important role in the system of preparing students for acquisition practical professional skills and abilities of a doctor are assigned to clinical practice, which provides a combination of theoretical and practical components of training and is aimed at forming the ability of future doctors to practice medicine. Consolidate and deepen the ability to rational choice of therapy taking into account the mechanism of action, diagnosis, etiology, pathogenesis of the disease. Clinical practice includes practical classes and independent work of students.
 The normative discipline "Clinical Practice" is aimed at the development, first of all, of the professional competencies of the future doctor, is professionally oriented in the field of health care, which in turn contributes to the effective preparation of students. The discipline "Clinical Practice", which is mastered by 5th year medical students is formed as a set of closely related content modules, which are logical complete parts of theoretical and practical educational material corresponding to a particular object.
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