Today there is a growing need for high performance computing for server, artificial intelligence, cloud, graphics, and other computationally challenging applications. These emerging and growing applications require processors, ASICs, and graphics chips that have extreme computing power. Semiconductor chips are being designed and fabricated for these applications have a need to fit as much computing and support circuitry on them as possible on the die. Because of this these die are becoming large and have higher I/O. However, the chips have a maximum size limitation which is the reticle size of the lithography stepper which is 32 mm X 28 mm. These large die chips also have finer and finer pitch for the I/O interconnects which need to be flip chip assembled by either mass reflow or more and more commonly via thermos-compression bonding. Today these chips are normally have copper pillars with solder caps with a minimum pitch of about 40 um. To put this into perspective a full reticle size die with this I/O pitch would have over 560,000 pillars! There are a number of challenges in assembling a flip chip which has this I/O density. One of the largest challenges to be overcome is caused by the fact that these devices need to be fluxed in order to eliminate oxides from the interconnect interface so the surfaces can wet and bond reliably. This is true whether the devices are mass reflowed or thermos- compression bonded. The fluxing can be accomplished via dipping into a trough filled with flux or by spraying it on the surface of the substrate or wafer before the flip chip bonding. The problem arises because the flux needs to be completely cleaned before the bonded die is under-filled. The reason that the flux needs to be completely cleaned is that the under fill will not adhere to a surface which has any flux residue. If there is underfill residue, the molding process will result in voids near the solder interconnect. If there are voids in the underfill the solder will leak into the voids during the reflow portion of the reliability testing process and the solder will often short to the adjacent interconnect resulting in a failure. One can imagine that cleaning flux residue completely on a die with over 500,000 interconnects that have 40 um or finer pitch would be difficult. In response to this issue flux manufacturers have developed no clean fluxes. However, we have found that while these fluxes do leave less residue. However, the residue that is left is even more difficult to clean. These problems become more extreme as the pitch decreases and the I/O density increases accelerating the need for industry solutions. There are 2 potential solutions to this issue that are being develop in the industry. First there has been R&D activity to eliminate solder by developing Cu to Cu interconnect technology. This would eliminate the requirement for fluxing and facilitate the transition to finer and finer pitches. Another method is to develop a method to eliminate oxide on solder other than by using flux. We have been developing such a solution by using Formic Acid vapor oxide reduction in- situ to clean the oxide directly and immediately before thermo-compression bonding by injecting formic acid vapor onto the surfaces directly on the bonding machine, cleaning and eliminating the oxides so that flux is not required. The developed solution consists of a Shroud that fits over a standard TCB bondhead. The shroud has 3 distinct chambers. The first to deliver the formic acid vapor, the next consists of a vacuum exhaust, and the third is a Nitrogen shield, which prevents the gas from getting into the factory environment. This creates a mini environment that can clean oxides from the solder for robust bonding. This presentation will show the design of the oxide reducing gas, discuss experimental data on oxide cleaning parameters and cleaning times, and provide a set of data to clarify the performance of the fluxless process. Additionally, future applicability of the process technology for Cu to Cu interconnect will be discussed. Experimental data showing Cu to Cu interconnect on various devices will be shown that have promising results.
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