Introduction. Interest in the problem of professional competence is constantly manifested in the pedagogical literature. The teacher today focuses on creating such conditions for the educational process that would help students realize the need for self-acquisition and modernization of knowledge, hard work on self-development and self-education. Secondly, the teacher's own knowledge, professional skills and competencies cannot be sufficient for the entire period of his pedagogical activity. Therefore, the requirement of modern society “Education through life” is an incentive for personal growth, continuous education, and continuous professional development. Purpose is to substantiate the professional competence of the teacher, determined by the unity of his methodological, special and psychological-pedagogical training. Methods: analytical, diachronic, logical-systemic, etc. Results. The creative potential of a teacher is determined by the degree of his readiness for research work. Research activity reveals the readiness of the teacher for professional and personal development and forms such readiness under certain conditions of its organization, in particular: the humanistic orientation of the study (or experiment); consistent connection to the search activity of individual teachers, groups of like-minded people and entire teams: the organization of an objective examination aimed at identifying problems, contradictions or advantages and the effectiveness of experimental work. The forms of organization of innovative activity can be lectures, seminars, organizational-activity and problem-business games, trainings, workshops, situational modeling, etc. Originality. At all stages of research and experimental activities (development of a program of innovations, their testing, discussion and analysis of results, design and implementation) requires the integration of various creative teams (creative laboratories of pedagogical universities and research institutes of pedagogy, temporary research groups, school teachers, methodologists). Conclusion. The professional competence of a teacher is determined by the unity of their methodological, special and psychological-pedagogical training. This is a complex individual psychological education based on the integration of experience, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and significant personal qualities, which determines the readiness of the teacher to the actual implementation of pedagogical activities. At the same time, pedagogical professionalism is associated, first of all, with a high level of self-realization of individual features, with individual style of activity.
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