This study aims to create a model for developing expertise evaluation programs at the IAIN Surakarta PIAUD Department. The research method used is development research (Research and Development). The results showed that the EPPK model produced had two-dimensional constructs, namely processes and products. The dimensions of the process of publishing instrument planning, implementation and output. The product dimensions are complete instruments of dance ability, musical ability, storytelling ability and artistic ability. This EPPPK model has approved the feasibility of criteria: a. has a good format (average 79.7%), b. has approved the substance of a good evaluation model (average 79.2%), c. has a good evaluation procedure (average 80%). The EPPK model has a very good success rate, it is proven that expertise program lecturers can use the EPPK model easily. The results of the evaluation using the EPPK model can provide a complete and comprehensive description of the program for conducting expertise in the Surakarta IAIN PIAUD Department.
 Key Words: Early Childhood Education (PIAUD), Evaluation Model, Expertise Practice Programs for Early Childhood (EPPK)
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