We have conducted numerical simulations of dust dispersion within the NIOSH Rock Dust Dispersion Chamber. The apparatus consists of a low-speed background ventilation flow down a long box in which is placed a tray containing a rock dust powder. A nozzle upstream of the tray introduces a short pulse of a turbulent horizontal jet flow just above the powder surface. We have utilized an incompressible Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes k-ω model for the turbulent flow; particles are incorporated within a one-way Euler-Lagrangian formalism. The Rock Dust Dispersion Chamber ventilation flow exhibits a recirculation zone just above the powder-containing tray. Aerosolization proceeds via the interplay of the jet pulse flow with the background recirculation flow. The air flow is not well-mixed. The aerosolized dust is convected as a concentration cloud downstream towards the detection zone. For larger particles, gravitational settling depletes the convected cloud, so the instrument behaves as a horizontal elutriator. The instrument is robust with respect to misalignment of the jet nozzle. However, reduced streamwise drift velocity allows mixing to disperse the optically detected dust cloud concentration pulse. Our large particle simulation results compare favorably with published experimental results for large, polydisperse calcium carbonate rock dust.
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