The geochemical differentiation of major elements in various peat bog profiles from Bieszczady Mountains Region (south-east of Poland) was compared to its botanical origin. Peat cores were taken from ombrotrophic, mesotrophic, and oligotrophic peatlands, which were developed in the stream valley of the River San. Twenty-four various peat samples were analysed for peat genus, degree of peat decomposition, ash content, total nitrogen, and total carbon content of hydrolytic matter as well as content of major elements: Na, K, Mg, Ca. The results show that the botanical composition of peat deposits is no reliable indication of their trophic status. The common feature of investigated Holocene peatlands is their valley localisation on the flood terrace. The specific character of local geommorpho8ogicml and hydrological condition caused that the bottom layer of all investigated bog profiles was made of wood peats (Piceaeti, Pineti, Alneti, and Saliceti peat). The geochemical investigations of stratigraphical profiles confirm that the presented peat bogs showed specific morphological separateness comparing to other raised bogs situated in mountains or lowlands
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