Historically specimens for TEM have been introduced into TEMs either in a small cup into a top entry stage or as a part of a specimen rod in side entry, the various translations and tilt/rotations of the specimen being controlled by a stage mechanism which is essentially permanently installed in the TEM. Generally this technology, when applied to high voltage instruments, has simply been scaled up with the increased objective pole piece gap associated with such emersion lens instruments. While this has allowed somewhat improved access for incorporation of various in situ capabilities, only a very small part of the available space within the objective lens region of an HVEM has ever actually been utilized, typically 5 percent or even less. The concept of an "experimental module" for HVEM in situ studies combines the specimen holder and stage into a single, significantly larger system which can retain most of the convenience of a side entry holder, yet utilize 80 or 90 percent of the available space rather than 5 percent, This allows development and inclusion of a much more diverse array of experimental components, services and analytical capabilities, along with the possibility of improved vacuum or of other environments. The concept of "experimental module" is well established in the synchrotron community, for example, where a given experiment is assembled into a system, the "module", which is interfaced finally to the photon source at the time of the experiment. In the electron microscopy community, however, commonly specimen holders have been designed to be accommodated by the instrument as supplied by the manufacturer, with little resultant design flexibility. With the emergence of contemporary HVEMs having significantly improved specifications for image resolution and analytical capability, it is now time to rethink this, especially for the case of microscopes to be employed for observations of dynamic phenomena.
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