We have measured the characteristics of high energy Kα sources created with the Vulcan Petawatt laser at RAL and the JanUSP laser at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. High energy x-ray backlighters will be essential for radiographing high energy-density experimental science targets for NIF projects especially to probe implosions and high areal density planar samples. Hard Kα x-ray photons are created through relativistic electron plasma interactions in the target material after irradiated by short pulse high intensity lasers. For our Vulcan experiment, we employed a CsI scintillator charge coupled device (CCD) camera for imaging and a CCD camera for single photon counting. We have directly measured the 22 keV Ag Kα source size using the RAL petawatt laser and performed knife-edge measurements of a 40 keV Sm Kα source using the JanUSP laser. The measured source sizes are both ∼60 μm full width half maximum. We have also measured the Ag Kα conversion efficiencies. At laser intensities of 1×1018 W/cm2 range, the conversion efficiency at 22 keV is ∼1×10−4.
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