AbstractThe effect of radio frequency bias pulsing on porous SiOCH, SiCH and SiO2 etching using inductively coupled fluorocarbon plasmas was investigated. It was found that pulse frequency had only a small influence on material etch rates. However, pulse duty cycle, defined as the time during which a bias is applied over the total period, clearly modified etch rates and selectivities. Indeed, etch selectivities between porous SiOCH and SiCH or SiO2 were considerably improved when the duty cycle was decreased. This enhancement was associated with relatively high porous SiOCH etch rates, and pattern transfers under low duty cycle conditions proved to be successful. To better understand the pulse process, surface analysis was also realised. According to XPS analysis, the material surface structure was found to be similar after etching in continuous or in pulsed mode. However, fluorocarbon species on material surfaces were fluorine richer after etching in the pulsed mode.magnified image
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