Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are known as one of the most recent promising technologies for cryptographic key generation. A PUF circuit is designed in such a way to produce random digits based on true-random and uncontrollable variations during the integrated circuits (IC) manufacturing process. The response of PUF can be used as a unique identity for the device where the PUF is embedded in it. Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are usually considered as one of the first choices for implementing PUFs. This paper proposes a novel FPGA-derived Anderson PUF by optimizing all elements located in one configurable logic blocks (CLBs). The experimental results on Spartan-6 family Xilinx XC6SLX9 FPGAs show that the proposed architecture improves the PUF's uniformity, uniqueness, and reliability to 49.41%, 50.89%, and 91.25%, respectively. Furthermore, the proposed structure increases the complexity and unpredictability of the PUF while decreases the hardware area overhead.
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