Recent developments in gyrokinetic-magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory and in electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulations raise the question of consistency between the gyrokinetic model and the fluid model. Due to the special characteristics of the guiding center coordinates, it is a nontrivial exercise to show this consistency. In this paper it is shown, in a very general setting, that the gyrokinetic theory and the fluid equations do give an equivalent description of plasma equilibrium (∂/∂t=0). The fluid continuity equation and momentum equation for equilibrium plasmas are recovered entirely from the gyrokinetic theory. However, it was Spitzer who first realized the importance of consistency between guiding-center motion and fluid equations. In particular, he studied the “apparent paradoxical result” regarding the difference between perpendicular particle flow and guiding-center flow, which will be referred to as the Spitzer paradox in this paper. By recovering the fluid equations from the gyrokinetic theory, we automatically resolve the Spitzer paradox, whose essence is how the perpendicular current and flow are microscopically generated from particles’ guiding-center motion. The mathematical construction in the gyrokinetic theory which relates observable quantities in the laboratory frame to the distribution function in the guiding-center coordinates is consistent with Spitzer’s original physical picture, while today’s gyrokinetic-MHD theory covers a much wider range of problems in a much more general and quantitative way.
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