The article discusses the perception of the Institute of Research and Social Studies (Ipês) in relation to the agrarian issue, between the years 1963 and 1966, aiming at analyzing the worldview of anti-communist groups in the 1960s. As its primary sources, the article deploys publications from the Institute itself, such as Reforma Agrária, Bases e Soluções, Reformas de Base: a posição do Ipês, Ipês Monthly Bulletins, and major newspapers. Ipês was an anti-communist group, formed by civilians and military, founded in 1961, whose members engaged in the articulation of the 1964 military coup. Sectaries of this organization, such as Paulo Assis Ribeiro, were incorporated into the Castello Branco government, participating in the formulation of the Land Statute (ASSIS, 2001; DREIFUSS, 2008). Ipês defended a program of changes for Brazil in opposition to the Base Reforms advocated by the João Goulart government. Carrying on with our mas-ter’s degree dissertation, entitled O discurso anticomunista do Ipês entre 1963-1966 [The anti-communist discourse of Ipês between 1963 and 1966], the article also analyzes the relation between the agrarian reform model defended by Ipês and its perspectives on the rural worker, as well as the connection of these pro-posals with its anti-communist conceptions, its doctrinal principles in defense of the Alliance for Progress and the Mater et Magistra letter, and its connection with the principles of the Escola Superior de Guerra [War College].
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