The article examines the influence of mobile games on the recreational component of personality development. A mobile game is a deliberate activity aimed at achieving the goal. Mobile games occupy a leading place both in physical education and in the process of physical rehabilitation, recreation, allowing to effectively solve medical and educational tasks at a high emotional level. A mobile game as a recreational tool has a number of qualities, among which the most important place is high emotionality. Emotions in the game are complex. This is a pleasure from the muscular work in the game, from the feeling of vivacity and energy, from the possibility of friendly communication in the team, from achieving the goal set in the game. During a mobile game, complex effects on motor activity and the nervous system are realized. The mobile game refers to such manifestations of gaming activity, in which the role of movements is clearly expressed. For mobile games characterized by creative, active motor actions, motivated by the plot. They are aimed at overcoming various difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. The advantage of mobile games before exercises is that the game is always associated with initiative, fantasy, creativity, proceeds emotionally, stimulates motor activity. The game uses natural movements for the most part in an entertaining, unobtrusive form. Moving games, as a rule, do not require participants of special training. The same mobile games can be played under different conditions, with a greater or lesser number of participants, according to different rules. The most important result of the game is the emotional upsurge. It is thanks to this wonderful feature that mobile games, especially with the elements of the competition, more than other forms of physical education, meet the needs of the body. In the course of mobile games, self-control, self-control, correct response to failure are formed.
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