The current medical scenario indicates that thoracic diseases are the primary cause of illnesses of human beings worldwide. COVID-19 outbreak results in the generation of tremendous Chest X-Ray (CXR) and Computed Tomography (CT) image data archives because CXR and CT imaging are the foremost effective screening tools that characterize patterns and features of pathologies present in the lungs. After careful observation, these chest radiographs show that images are often labeled with more than one pathology, that extends disease diagnosis problem to tedious multi-label classification task. So, this paper proposes a modified mish activation function and compound loss-based Separable Convolution Neural Network (SCNN) model that accomplishes image-level detection of multiple pathologies and COVID-19 from multi-modality chest radiographs. We investigate the power of separable convolution in the CNN network that interprets spatial and depth-wise dimensions of each pixel in CXR and CT images. A modified mish called as Swmish, a non-monotonic activation function, is introduced that preserves negative gradient flow of input and capture fine-grained detail of multiple regions. Moreover, a compound loss function of dice coefficient and binary cross entropy is applied that strongly optimizes the model during training. The generality of the proposed SCNN model is confirmed after conducting comprehensive experiments on multi-label CXR and COVID19-CT datasets. The proposed model gains an AUC score of 0.91 and loss of 0.13 on the multi-label CXR dataset and achieves a testing accuracy of 0.97, AUC score of 0.99 and a loss of 0.11 on the COVID19-CT dataset. These results show that the proposed model achieves highest evaluation metrics in classifying binary and multi-label thoracic abnormalities from multi-modality chest radiographs.
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