In the deregulated power system, it would be difficult to assess and evaluate the prices for transmission lines in the power factor-based approach. In the Indian power sector, different electrical power users follow a regional price method of wheeling power rates. Because of the policy change, the postage stamp system is no longer suitable for the Indian electricity generation. It is because nonlinear power flow is very influential in creating prices between transmission lines. The MW-mile method is used for real power wheeling price assessment, and MVA-mile method is employed for the accurate and reactive power wheeling price assessment. For various flow-based processes to be efficient, decision-makers should consider the different optimization techniques. This paper proposes a new method by which wheeling prices can be allocated for the Indian utility IEEE 14-bus system using the MVA-mile and MW-mile method based on the PSO algorithm approach for optimum power flow calculation In this paper, MW-Mile based, MVA-Mile based incremental cost of power demand addition and power factor-based approach are utilised. Sensitivity analysis will take place. It is also pertinent to study the DC load flow based costs.
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