The purpose. In the article theoretical approaches to the concept of "ecologization" are analyzed. Terminological justification for the new definition of "ecologization of restaurants" are provided. The role term "ecologization" in the system of definitions, directions and concepts of environmental orientation are characterized. The levels and elements of ecologization in the restaurant industry enterprises have been determined. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical features of the development of ecologization and practical examples of its implementation in the activities of restaurants. The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of ecologization in its applied implementation in the field of restaurant business as an innovative tool for ensuring competitiveness and special condition in industry of hospitality. Methodology of research. The tasks of the article are solved with the helping of the following general scientific and special methods of research: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization, dialectical approach. Findings. On the basis of research of domestic and foreign scientific sources, which is devoted the issues of ecological direction, the author’s interpretation the concept of "ecologization of the enterprises of restaurant sphere" is offered. The levels of realization (internal and external) are defined and examples of practical application and realization of ecologization of restaurant economy are given. The proposed measures, according to the authors, are strategic directions and innovative solutions in the implementation of the concept of ecologization the activity of the restaurant industry, which is a source of ensuring additional profit and increasing the level of customer’s loyalty. Practical value. 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