ABSTRACTMaintaining soil health is essential to ensuring an adequate food supply and preserving the environment. Insights from multiple stakeholder inquiries can provide a more nuanced understanding of conditions for soil health to support the adoption of sustainable soil management practices to meet national and regional goals. This article aimed to gather insights from stakeholders' perceptions of soil health and the state of soil knowledge in Denmark. Seven stakeholder inquiries, collected through a series of recent European soil research activities, were synthesised to identify perceptions of soil health, concerns about soil challenges and needs for harmonising production and use of knowledge related to sustainable soil management. Each inquiry was analysed individually, and common themes were discussed across topics. The data showed that the ecosystem service framework related to soil health was not evenly familiar across stakeholder categories. Identified concerns for soil health included climate change effects, knowledge transfer, economic pressure/risk, and soil challenges. The top ‘priority’ soil challenges identified were improving soil organic matter/peat soil, avoiding soil compaction and improving nutrient retention/use efficiency. Soil knowledge gaps related to soil challenges included: multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary long‐term experiments, site‐specific measures, science–policy–stakeholder interactions and knowledge feasibility at the farm level. Identified barriers preventing wider adoption of sustainable management practices included farm applicability of practices, farmers' engagement, knowledge sharing and lack of regulations for challenges such as soil compaction. Farmers were also concerned about the time and effort required to learn new practices, especially as it relates to their work/life balance and the challenge of implementing sustainable practices on commercial farms while ensuring profitability. These concerns might partially arise from knowledge gaps between stakeholder categories. Raising awareness of sustainable practices and addressing current and future risks such as pests and weather extremes are crucial for policy and stakeholder engagement.
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