The article is devoted to the urgent issues of restoring the economy of Ukraine, destructive and damaged cities. It has been proven that it is important for the country to restore cities in the context of priorities for the development of the information economy, digitization projects and programs, the involvement of current world experience, compliance and harmony of national and regional, business and social interests. The concept of "urbicide" is studied and its results are given, such as: the destruction of residential neighborhoods and critical infrastructure (as a result of hostilities); individual and mass manifestations of the process of population depopulation with phenomena of population disappearance (destruction of population groups - pro-Ukrainian, with a high level of education, etc.); the transfer of power to the marginal strata of the population (criminality); organization of forced migration of citizens; elimination or degradation of the deed; destruction of cultural values and signs of national identity; crisis manifestations in the economy and high risks of social degradation; lack of prospects for the normalization of life support, etc. The need for targeted evaluation of plans, projects, scenarios based on a large number of scientifically based indicators, indicators, and expertise has been determined. The priority directions in forecasting and scenario development of Ukrainian cities have been formed, which should include economic, social, management-security, architectural-construction, information-intellectual, because there is no one-sidedness in such a complex issue, where the topics of culture, humanity, social and economic potential of the country, innovative activity and informational progress. It was determined that by its essence, filled with alternatives in the scenario, urban renewal has a scientific character, structures problems, builds the potential of knowledge in the decision-making system for pro-government management, lays the foundations for public involvement in the discussion, which is the key to success. A vision of alternative scenarios was formed as a condition for innovativeness and informational transparency of government actions. Emphasis is placed on understanding the uniqueness and exclusivity of Ukrainian cities.
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