Soybean is a crop with a long cultivation history that plays a significant role on agricultural field. Early diagnosis of Soybean Mosaic Virus Disease (SMVD) is must require, because it causes a fast reduction and significant losses in soybean yields. Therefore, this paper proposes a Balancing Composite Motion optimization utilizing Recalling-Enhanced Recurrent Neural Network with Plant Disease for separating its severity into 0, 1 and 2 grades. Initially, hyper spectral image data was taken from Spec View software. Then, the spectral imageries of soybean leaves are processed to remove the redundancy in frequency bands that emerges owing to hyper spectral camera does not present any important information are filtered by Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT). In this, hyper spectral image features are extracted using Ternary pattern and discrete wavelet transform (TP-DWT) method. After completing the process of feature extraction, the feature extracted imageries are given to Recalling-Enhanced Recurrent Neural Network (RE-RNN) and it is used to classify the Soybean mosaic disease. Here, Balancing Composite Motion Optimization (BCMO) algorithm is employed for tuning the RE-RNN hyper parameters. The proposed PDI-RE-RNN-BCMO-HSI method provides 27.03%, 28.94% and 39.04% higher precision compared with existing method like grading model of soybean mosaic infection depending upon hyper spectral imaging technology (PDI-CNN-SVM-HSI), recognization of soybean varieties under hyper spectral imaging technology and one-dimensional CNN (PDI-1D-CNN-HSI) and hyper spectral imaging technology combined with multivariate models to recognize soybean disease (PDI-SNV-ELM-HSI) respectively.
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