
Speech is essential to human communication; therefore, distinguishing it from noise is crucial. Speech separation becomes challenging in real-world circumstances with background noise and overlapping speech. Moreover, the speech separation using short-term Fourier transform (STFT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) addresses time and frequency resolution and time-variation issues, respectively. To solve the above issues, a new speech separation technique is presented based on the double-density dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DDDTCWT) and sparse non-negative matrix factorization (SNMF). The signal is separated into high-pass and low-pass frequency components using DDDTCWT wavelet decomposition. For this analysis, we only considered the low-pass frequency components and zeroed out the high-pass ones. Subsequently, the STFT is then applied to each sub-band signal to generate a complex spectrogram. Therefore, we have used SNMF to factorize the joint form of magnitude and the absolute value of real and imaginary (RI) components that decompose the basis and weight matrices. Most researchers enhance the magnitude spectra only, ignore the phase spectra, and estimate the separated speech using noisy phase. As a result, some noise components are present in the estimated speech results. We are dealing with the signal's magnitude as well as the RI components and estimating the phase of the RI parts. Finally, separated speech signals can be achieved using the inverse STFT (ISTFT) and the inverse DDDTCWT (IDDDTCWT). Separation performance is improved for estimating the phase component and the shift-invariant, better direction selectivity, and scheme freedom properties of DDDTCWT. The speech separation efficiency of the proposed algorithm outperforms performance by 6.53–8.17 dB SDR gain, 7.37-9.87 dB SAR gain, and 14.92–17.21 dB SIR gain compared to the NMF method with masking on the TIMIT dataset.

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