The work area is located in the convergence domain of the Siberian plate and North China plate. The Jilin Province of the Soren-Xilamnlun river-Changchun-Heilog jiang plate collision zone. Before 2000, there was no empirical evidence of high-ultrahigh pressure transformation in the middle Jilin section. For this reason, the Changchun-Panshi-Jiaohe area was selected as the primary geological survey area. After comprehensively analysing the previous regional geological and mineral exploration data, we drew on the experience and achievements of studying the collision between the Suiu-dabie plate. Jiaohe blueschist origin was concerned. After fine field investigation, collecting fresh and representative samples, conducting microscopic identification, electron probe analysis and other work, the key identification and measurement results were obtained. Comprehensive results proved that the geological body producing kyanite undergoes high-pressure kyanite-quartzite was a metamorphic rock of gernet pgroxenite facies. This discovery is of fundamental importance for the establishment of the Jihei high pressure human ultra-high-pressure collision subduction zone. The discovery was briefly reported in 2000 and is now being published in detail. The garnet-phase blueschist quartzite is massive, laminated, ienticular, and rootless hook like bodies occur in within the luoguangou Dashihu narrow ductile shear zone. The rock being sheared is late paleozoic Early perntian Daheshan formation and late variscan Granite Porphyry, which were deformed and metamorphosed to form. blueschist dolomite quartz schist and dolomitic blueschist quartzite. The Peak mineral combination is Ky2+Qz2+Ms2 (Phn2) +Zt+Rt+Miss, without Sili and Pl, which basically meets the constraining charactenstics of eciogite facies. The peak metamorphic temperature reaches 700-750℃, indicating the Si (pfu) =3. 440-3. 535 of phengite, and indicated metamorphic pressure reaches p=2. 75-3. 30GPa, which shows that the rock has undergone ultra-high pressure metamorphic process, and its temperature and pressure conditions have been comparable to those formed by coesite. The temperature of secondary peak period of is about 550℃-600℃ and the pressure is about 1. 6-1. 7GPa. The multi-phase nature of the blueschist, muscovite and quartz indicates that the rock is subjected to prosess of subduction exhumation, and exhumation suffering from strong progressional and retrograde metamorphism. The temperature and pressure numbers of the metamorphism indicate that the paths are successively hornblende and green schist phases, with temperatures of about 500℃-450℃ and pressures of about 0. 5-0. 7GPa, and temperatures of about 300℃-350℃ and pressures of about 0. 3-0. 4GPa, respectively.
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