Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cineraiifolium) which is a natural insecticide has many properties, but the most important are raid action, very low toxicity for mammalian, lack of insect immunity, broad of activity, lack of persistence and degraded quickly by UV in sunlight and very effective insect repellent. Organic farmers can use pyrethrins as an insecticide for fruit and vegetable crops. Easily degraded by oxygen, light and temperature, pyrethrum compounds are environmentally friendly and compatible with organic farming. A. pyrethrum roots contain anacyclin, pellitorine, hydrocarolin, inulin, traces of volatile oil and seasamin. The roots of A. pyrethrum are used in traditional medicine of different countries to treat epilepsy, rheumatism, cephalalgia, paralysis and hemiplegia. N-alkylamids and ester pyrethrine are the main constituents of roots which have tremendous medicinal values. The plant is also a natural pesticide with considerable antimicrobial properties. It has also possessed antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsive, antimicrobial, local anaesthetic, oxidative DNA damage preventive, immunostimulatory, saliva-stimulating, male libido enhancing, anti-mutagenesis and insecticidal activities.
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