The article analyzes the main directions for improving the activities of higher educational institutions in the context of the digital transformation of the global economic system.The author shows that in the modern period in the Republic of Uzbekistan, close attention is paid to the development of the educational sphere and, in particular, higher education. A number of regulatory documents have been adopted; a set of measures is being successfully realized to implement the President’s Decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030”. In this publication, an analysis of literary and Internet sources on the problem of optimizing educational, pedagogic and scientific activities in a higher educational institution is carried out on the basis of improving the digital infrastructure, as well as the methods and forms of education. In addition, the article notes that digital technological solutions find their effective application not only in optimizing the dialogue between the Faculty members of the university and students, but also serve as a reliable assistant to the university leadership in monitoring the educational process and in making competent management decisions. In this article, the author presents the experience of using digital technologies at the Tashkent State Economic University. In particular, it is noted that digital technological solutions make the educational process more adaptive, complex and interesting. The use of a virtual environment provides students with tremendous opportunities for self-development and research activities. In addition, innovative technologies help students to participate in the scientific development of start-up projects together with students from other universities and practitioners.The author also notes that the experience of using digital and advanced pedagogical technologies has shown that in the modern period it is very important to combine in the educational process and in the management activities of the university both face-to-face communication of the Faculty members with students, and the use of a full range of the latest digital technologies.The purpose of this article is to study the main directions of modernization of the activities of higher educational institutions based on the optimal use of digital technologies to improve the quality of education and management processes in universities in order to prepare highly qualified specialists for the sectors and spheres of the national economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the context of the digital transformation of the global economic system.Materials and methods. When writing this article, the scientific basic method of theoretical and empirical research was used: comparison of cognitive operations that underlie judgments about the similarity or difference of objects, methods of monographic research, questionnaire survey, methods of working with specialized software products, Internet sources, methods of analysis, synthesis, juxtaposition, induction, and deduction.Results. In this article, the author has proved that the formation of a digital economy contributes to the development of the digital infrastructure of the university, an increase in the level of digital competence of all participants in the educational process at the university, which in turn serves as a guarantee of the training of highly qualified specialists for various industries and spheres of the national economy and, as a result, the growth of the country’s competitiveness in the global economic market.Conclusion. This paper presents the results of studying the impact of digital technologies on the activities of higher education institutions. It is shown that the use of digital technological solutions contributes to the individualization and personalization of education, the provision of instant feedback between the lecturer and students, which in turn entails a change in the role of the lecturer in the modern educational process of the university, contributes to the development of a conscious approach to teaching by students and the elimination of fear of failures in mastering educational material. In addition, in this paper, based on the study of scientific research, it is illustrated that at present, artificial intelligence systems are gradually being introduced into the educational process, which contribute to increasing the efficiency of learning foreign languages with the help of language bots, mathematical disciplines through the personalization of learning, are well applicable as simulators for teaching medical sciences. The author also notes that fostering the importance of digital ethics and privacy is becoming a very important factor in the modern educational environment.
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