Oxides of tetravalent elements are well known to have a lot of crystalline modifications. For example, most of silica polymorphs are characterized by tetrahedral coordination environment of silicon atoms. On the contrary, crystals of stishovite and of some silicate minerals have their silicon atoms in octahedral coordination spheres. It has been found experimentally that the phase transitions between silica polymorphs accompanied by a rearrangement of silica-oxygen tetrahedrons into octahedra require an energy income (preference energy) of 54 kJ/mol. When increasing the atomic mass of the oxide forming element, the former decreases extremely and for tin dioxide is equal to -59 kJ/mol. These values can be reproduced in a theoretical way, within the frameworks of modern quantum chemical methods and periodic models. High disperse silica nanoparticles (as well as those for other oxides) have only the nearest order of atomic stationing, so that theoretical approaches developed for crystals cannot be applied to small particles. These particles can be transformed into stishovite form under hydrothermal conditions. Such a process can be simulated within cluster approximation by use of molecular models. This work is devoted to quantum chemical simulation of formation of the fragments with hexa-coordinated atoms of silicon and of its analogs in the structure of oxane dendrimers. A row of high symmetry models was examined containing two, three, five, and seventeen atoms of silicon and of germanium, titanium and tin, terminated with hydroxyl groups. These structures can be rearranged into another ones including oxide forming atoms with elevated (equal to 5 or 6) coordination number, so mimicking the rutile-like structure. Such models let it possible to fulfill the procedure of transformation without rupturing siloxane bonds, so remaining within a deformation approach. Another advantage is the exclusion of the basis set superposition error due to use of molecular models of the same total formula for all the coordination states. All calculations were carried out by Hartree-Fock and density functional theory methods with the all-electron (3-21G*) and valent (SBKJC) basis sets by means of the GAMESS program. Models of various size have been examined, in particular, disiloxane (HO)3Si-O-Si(OH)3 witch can be transformed into a self-coordinated form where one of silicon atoms becomes a five-coordinated; trisiloxane (HO)3Si-O-Si(OH)2-O-Si(OH)3 can be rearranged into symmetric isomer with one hexa-coordinated silicon atom. Pentasiloxane with neo-structure of [(HO)3Si-O]4Si forms three coordination structures, the most stable of them mimicking the stishovite crystal; it contains one 6-coordinated and two 5-coordinated silicon atoms. Siloxane containing 17 silicon atoms has a super-neo-structure of {[(HO)3Si-O]3Si-O}4Si; it includes seven six-coordinated and four five-coordinated silicon atoms. Relative models for silicon analogs have been also examined. When analyzing a dependence of the energy differences between open and coordinated oxane structures on the number of atoms of the oxide forming element in the cluster, one can jump to the conclusion that the specific value of this characteristic monotonously decreases with the increase in the number of atoms of the molecular model, so becoming close to the experimental data.
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