Hybrid Microcircuits (HMCs) which bring about miniaturization with better performance and reliability are ideally suited for specific application where low volume requirement needed for aerospace missions. A large number of HMCs for varied applications are used in aerospace industry. HMCs generally use passive components and interconnections in thick film form, and active devices (MOSFETs, Transistor and Diode dice) and monolithic ICs (as bare chips) bonded to a substrate and are employed to carry out multiple functions. The die and other chip components utilized in making HMCs necessitated usage of hermetic sealing. The resulting HMCs consisting of multiple components are used as standalone EEE component. A general guideline of using HMCs for 9 years and re-screening after 3 years result in lot of constraint on resources and not viable in present scenario. The study conducted to find out the criticality and testing methodology for the extension of usable storage period. Comprehensive test plan consisting of variety of HMCs having varied processes, materials, density and various tests conducted as per the plan. This article details the various plans, choice of HMCs, testing results and analysis for the basis of extending the usable storage period of the HMCs for aerospace industry.