The article evaluates the main performance indicators of business entities of Ukraine for 2012-2023. Previous studies, based on statistical information until 2021 inclusive, made it possible to draw a conclusion about the ability of business entities to expand reproduction. In addition, it was determined that despite the low specific weight of enterprises employed in industry, their potential is significant. An assessment of the last two years has shown an alarming reduction in jobs. The rate of decline in the number of employed workers is significantly higher than the rate of decrease in the number of employed workers. There is a decrease in the ability to recover - the destruction of the margin of safety of natural persons - entrepreneurs and a significant drop in the physical production volumes of enterprises. The conducted research made it possible to draw conclusions about the highest degree of resilience of the labor potential of our country - among self-employed workers, who at the same time create jobs for employees. The creation of jobs directly and indirectly affects the increase in the solvent demand of the population, which in turn will stimulate the development of the country's economy. The possibility of the exit of Ukrainian enterprises from the state of crisis, recovery and further economic growth is the introduction of technological innovations and innovative approaches to the organization of business processes, which will allow creating conditions for the formation of new diversified sources to increase the country's competitiveness, the basis of which should be human capital, knowledge and results of scientific research, including the creation and active implementation of artificial intelligence and digitization processes. Their effectiveness is evidenced by modern military developments, and the possibility of technology transfer, their implementation with the possibility of entering world markets and attracting investors for the post-war reconstruction of the country will contribute to increasing the resilience of domestic participants in economic relations. Solving issues of finding ways to ensure financing of operational and investment activities of business entities, achieving their stability and competitiveness – determines the state of protection of national interests, which forms resilience - the ability to "hold a blow", the ability to self-reproduce, the formation of a stress-resistant recovery strategy, innovative development and economic growth.
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