The purpose of this study is to examine the art literacy levels of fine arts education students. The study group consists of 111 music teacher candidate and 90 art teacher candidate, 201 students in total from Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Fine Art Education Branch. The data of the work were collected by "Art Literacy Scale". The study was designed in a causal-comparative research model. In data analysis, "independent groups t-test technique" and "one-way variance analysis technique" were used. As a result of the study, it was determined that art literacy levels are similar in terms of department (music-picture), gender and class level change in education. In terms of the enjoyment of reading art books, it was seen that the level of using art literacy information of the individuals, the level of the need of defining information they have and the level of transferring their knowledge to performance were high, while the level of reaching art literacy information was similar. It was observed that students who liked or disliked to do research in the library had similar levels of using art literacy knowledge, transferring knowledge to performance, and attainment of art literacy information, while the level of the need of defining information they have was higher. In terms of reading frequency, those who read books daily as compared to those who read a book monthly were found to have higher levels of using their knowledge, knowledge transfer to performance and level of accessing their knowledge, while the levels of the need of defining information they have were similar. Key words: Literacy, art literacy, music.  
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