Field vehicle type recognition plays an essential role in border protection tasks. Acoustic and seismic sensors can effectively collect the signal of field vehicle targets in real time. Most vehicle temporal signal classification algorithms are based on extracting and identifying handcrafted features. These algorithms focus on the signal’s frequency domain characteristics and despise the signal’s time domain characteristics. In order to extract appropriate features, this paper proposes a Long-Term Correlation Feature Network (LTCFN) to perform field vehicle acoustic and seismic signal classification. The model includes AlexNet-type feature extractor and an overall classifier implemented by a Long-Short Term Memory(LSTM) network. We presents an intra-frame network and fusion method for extracting feature vector from signals. Meanwhile, an inter-frame classifier is proposed firstly for analysing the time-correlation of the feature map and overall classification. The experiments illustrate that the LTCFN has excellent recognition performance and anti-noise ability. The classification accuracy of the LTCFN can be increased to 96%. This paper also provides a new idea for ground target classification through inter-frame feature measurement.
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