Deep microfabrication processes such as the Bosch process have dramatically improved the performance of Si-MEMS devices. In contrast to Si, SiO2 is suitable for optical analysis devices because of its high transparency over a wide range and chemical durability. In recent years, micro-total analysis systems using glass-type microfluidics or microwell arrays have attracted attention in the field of biotechnology. Anisotropic microstructures on silica glass substrates are generally fabricated via reactive ion etching (RIE). However, high-power ion energy is required to fabricate deep microstructures because of the high chemical and plasma durability of SiO2. Therefore, the fabrication of vertical deep microstructures on SiO2 has been a longstanding problem because a hard mask material is etched simultaneously during RIE. We focused on surface treatment with HF gas, which enables dry etching of SiO2 without using a plasma source1,2. The chemical reaction between HF gas and SiO2 can be expressed as follows:SiO2 + 4HF → SiF4 + 2H2O.However, the etching reaction of SiO2 by HF molecules is extremely slow1. Therefore, H2O or alcohol, which form hydrogen bonds with HF molecules, are added as a catalyst in the etching of SiO2 with HF gas2,3.This study proposed the deep microfabrication of SiO2 by HF gas etching using a photoresist as a catalyst that allows micro-scale patterning on the substrate4. The hydrophilic functional groups in the catalyst formed hydrogen bonds with the HF molecules at the interface with SiO2. Therefore, the etching reaction by HF gas occurs only at the interface between SiO2 and the catalyst. This selective etching reaction enables deep microfabrication on SiO2 without the use of a plasma source or hard mask materials. The microstructures fabricated via the HF gas-phase catalyst etching were characterized by high verticality and smooth sidewall surfaces, as shown in Fig.1. This simple microfabrication process could improve the sensing performance and the mass production of SiO2-based microfluidic devices and microwells.REFERENCES Habuka, H.; Otsuka, T. Reaction of Hydrogen Fluoride Gas at High Temperatures with Silicon Oxide Film and Silicon Surface. J. Appl. Phys., 1998, 37, 6123–6127.Holmes, P. J.; Snell, J. E. A Vapor Etching Technique for the Photolithography of Silicon Dioxide. Microelectronics and Reliability, 1966, 5, 337–341.Jang, W. I.; Choi, C.A.; Lee, M.L.; Jun, C.H.; Kim, Y.T. Fabrication of MEMS Devices by Using Anhydrous HF Gas-Phase Etching with Alcoholic Vapor. Micromech. Microeng., 2002, 12, 297–306.Sano, K.-H.; Ono, Y.; Tobinaga, R.; Imamura, Y.; Hayashi, Y.; Yanagitani, T. (in press). Atmospheric Gas-phase Catalyst Etching of SiO2 for Deep Microfabrication Using HF Gas and Patterned Photoresist. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Apr. 2024. Figure 1
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